Monday, August 3, 2009

Thank You, Tita Cory

Goodbye is not the word for you Tita Cory
Thank you for taking charge
When Ninoy was brought down.

Who would have known
That his housewife was to be destined
To fulfill his vision of a free country

They who had been overcome by greed
Had hoped that a bullet would silence Ninoy
So they could go on enjoying their loot from the country

Lo and behold, a fragile-looking woman
Wearing yellow appeared
With the Filipinos by her side
With only Prayers as their weapon

Yes, Prayers and not bullets
Made a revolution happen
“People Power” is what the world called it
Which it emulated

A global recognition may have been gained
Yet sacrifices were tremendous
Fleeing the country for one
Then losing a husband and a father of their children

This should have brought her disgust
And should have shunned herself from the country
She took on the armor instead
And fought for the Filipino people

Where would our country be now without your courage?
How would the world know of real peace?
If not by your example
Of simplicity, sincerity and prayerfulness

Thank you Tita Cory
More than a president, more than an icon
You are mother and friend
To a nation and to the world
Longing for true freedom and peace.


Jeannie said...

Amen Pamy... we love her, don't we? I wonder what'll happen next. How blessed we are as a nation

Jeannie said...

i like the picture you chose

Pamy Villa said...

Thanks Jeans.... go to couchgoddess too...