Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Old, The New and the LAST TESTAMENT

"WHAT THE HECK?!" The Jews said when Jesus Christ told them, "I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world."  "How do we eat and drink him?!" They were shocked. Today, every Christian knows this is not to be taken literally.  We know that what Jesus meant is that we should be one with Him and live our lives the way He did.

TO LIVE OUR LIVES THE WAY JESUS CHRIST DID. This is more than prayer. This is more than coming to church. This is more than reading the Bible everyday.  This is more than literally raising our arms and waving our hands and shouting "Praise the Lord!" This is beyond any religious ritual.  It's actually -
  • feeding the hungry
  • giving a drink to the thirsty
  • sharing your home to the homeless
  • sharing your clothes to those who have none
  • cheering up the weary
  • assuring those who are afraid
  • giving hope to the imprisoned
  • taking care of the sick
  • defending the mocked
  • sharing with the joy of others
That's living the real Christian life. That's living the LAST TESTAMENT of the Holy Bible.

I liked the homily of Fr. Eric in today's Sunday Mass at the Seminary of Holy Mary Immaculate (SHMI).  He said that other than the Old and New Testament, there is the Last Testament which Christ left His Body and Blood for - when He died on the cross and went back to life on the third day.  While the Old Testament tells us why Jesus Christ had to come to our world and how it was prepared and the New Testament tells His life and teachings, the continuation is in the Last Testament and it is up to us Christians to write its content. Today, in observance of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, I move forward with this thought:

I will contribute to the Last Testament by:
  • strengthening my role as a mom, a sister, a friend
  • honing my God-given skills and talents in writing
  • loving and making myself happy by not hesitating to pursue my passion in music, in dancing, in the performing arts
  • doing my best to do what I enumerated above to other people
I hope this got you thinking too.  What's your LAST TESTAMENT?

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