In an interview with financial guru, Suze Orman by the ANC channel, the topic on "allowances" given to children was discussed. I am not sure if this is an exclusive Filipino trait but nevertheless, Orman said that she is not for this. She believes that children should be taught the value of working for money. Giving them "allowances" will make them get used to getting money without having to work for it. This will not help them at all as they grow up. Working for money will become a burden for them.

Suze Orman suggested that parents should give them "duties" like PhP5.00 for every plate washed or PhP100.00 for cleaning the car, etc etc. Then the host brought up the fact that most Filipino households have help to do that around the house. From that question, I had to turn off the TV to do something else. I do not know what Orman answered to that question.
In my household, I have 2 children - my 11 year old daughter and my 9 year old son. Both of them, especially my 11 year old daughter is a computer and internet freak. Since she hugs the computer almost all day, I get her to help me with my cell phone loading business. The online system is so easy to do that I did not really have to teach her. She figured it out herself.

So there she was doing the business - around the neighborhood and her classmates. Then came summer. Being a pre-teen, this was the year she had her first day out at the mall with her friends. I did not have to give her money for this. She enjoyed her day from the money she earned from the loading business.
To this day, she continues to conduct the business and I guide her all the way. I made an agreement with her to go on with the business so we do not have to give her "allowances" when school starts. Although she still feels "forced" to do it, she enjoys the profit she gets all the time. So this is my answer to Suze Orman's opinion on "allowances" given to children.
VMobile - Empowering a Mother.
1 comment:
as what Robert Kiyosaki quoted "In school student prepare to be an employee instead of being a businessman..."Financial literacy must be implemented very very soon:-)...
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